The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an active member of National VOAD, and SVDP Rhode Island is an active member of the local RI VOAD. Through our VOAD membership, we partner regularly with our local Red Cross, 211, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, CCAP, and many other interfaith and community organizations. Local and National organizations will be gathered at the Providence Convention Center for our annual meetings and trainings. Consider helping those who help prepare for, during, and after disaster strikes.
We need Greeters, Room Monitors during speakers, Ticket Collectors, and General Helpers.
We are asking for 4-6 hour volunteer slots; however, if you are interested in volunteering but are unable to do a full shift, we would still welcome the help.
Volunteering for 6 or more hours on a particular day entitles you to a ticket to one of the meal sessions and free parking. Room Monitors will be able to sit in on particular speaking engagements.