In 2016, SVDP Rhode Island assisted an estimated 25,000 Rhode Islanders with over $2.5 Million in direct aid. Virtually all of this was in the form of basic needs assistance, including food, clothing, rent, furniture, security deposits, gas and electric bills, and help paying medical bills.
The Rhode Island Foundation provides a significant annual grant for basic needs assistance, and the RI Food Bank contributes tens of thousands of dollars in food to our pantries and meal sites. The rest of our funding comes from small donations at the parish level, and revenue from our clothing bin operation.
The Home Visit
At the heart of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s unique ministry is the “home visit,” where our experienced volunteers, known as “Vincentians,” work in teams of two to visit those in need on their schedule to determine the exact nature of assistance required.
Vincentians make thousands of in-home person-to-person visits each year and are able to see first-hand, the exact situation in which a person is living. SVdP assistance is tailored to each person’s or family’s needs and may include food, clothing, furniture, rent, utility, transportation, medical, emotional or spiritual support.
When those in need are visited in their homes, they are assured that information collected will be kept in confidence. The home visit allows SVdP to offer immediate assistance and determine if those in need would benefit from other programs offered by the Society. The home visit preserves the dignity of the individual/family in need while making it convenient.
If You Need Help
If you have arrived here seeking assistance, find the conference nearest to you using the tabs below.
Please Note: Our conference phone lines are managed by volunteers. It is normal to get an answering machine. Please leave your name, number, and request. One of our volunteers will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
St. Pius V Conference, Providence. 401-859-5800 ext. 121.
Holy Name Conference, Providence. 401-859-5800 ext. 110.
St. Mark Conference, Cranston. 401-942-1616 ext. 320.
St. Raymond Conference, Providence. 401-859-5800 ext. 120.
Holy Ghost Conference, Providence. 401-421-3551.
West Bay
Ss. John and James Conference, West Warwick. 401-821-7661.
St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Coventry. 401-828-3090.
St. Joseph Conference, West Warwick. 401-859-5800 ext. 107.
St. Kevin Conference, Warwick. 401-921-0907.
East Bay/Aquidneck Island
St. Brendan Conference, Riverside. 401-301-6307.
Jesus Saviour Conference, Newport. 401-236-2453.
St. Joseph Conference, Newport. 401-258-5773.
St. Lucy Conference, Middletown. 401-236-2453.
Northern Rhode Island
St. Joseph Conference, Cumberland. 401-426-9806.
Our Lady of Good Help Conference, Mapleville. 401-762-1834.
St. John the Baptist Conference, Pawtucket. 401-722-9054.
St. John Paul II Conference, Pawtucket. 401-744-5404.
Mary, Mother of Mankind Conference, North Providence. 401-225-4046.
St. Eugene Conference, Chepachet. 401-568-2700.
St. Philip Conference, Greenville. 401-949-2949.
St. Catherine Labouré Conference, Westerly. 401-450-9749.
St. Mary/St. James Conference, Carolina. 401-364-9413.
St. Joseph Conference, Hope Valley. 401-539-0677.
St. Francis Conference, Wakefield. 401-871-8936.
St. Raymond Conference
Location: St. Raymond Church, 1240 N. Main Street Providence RI 02904
Time: Weekly Saturday 9 am to 11 am
St. John Paul II Conference
Location: St. Cecilia Church, 745 Central Ave, Pawtucket, RI
Time: Tuesdays 12:30 to 1:30
Our Lady of Good Help Conference
Location: OLGH School, 1063 Victory Highway, Mapleville RI, 02839
Time: First Saturday of the Month from 9 am to 10 am
St. Joseph - Newport Conference
Location: Delivery Only
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 12 pm
St. Catherine Laboure Conference
Marion and Russ Inserra Food Pantry of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
Location: Immaculate Conception Church Basement
Time: Monday and Wednesday 10 am to 12pm
St. Philip Conference
Location: St Philips, 622 Putnam Pike Greenville RI (Church is 620 Putnam Pike)
Time: Wednesday 1 pm to 3 pm & Saturday 9 am to 10:30 am
St. Joseph – Hope Valley Conference
Location: St. Joseph Church, 1105 Main St, Hope Valley
Time: does not have set hours. By Request Only.
“Neighbors” must call the Help Line at 539-0677 to set up an appointment.
St. Eugene Conference
Location: St. Eugene Church, 1251 Putnam Pike, Chepachet RI 02814
Time: Does not have set hours. By Request Only.
St. Kevin / St. Benedict Conference
Location: St. Benedict School, 70 Transit Street Warwick RI
Time: No hours, by Request only
Holy Ghost Conference
Location: Holy Ghost Church 472 Atwells Ave Providence RI 02909, Rear Parking Lot
Time: Saturdays from 10 am to 12 pm
St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Location: Our Lady of Czestochowa Gymnasium, 445 Washington Street Coventry RI
Time: Saturday from 11-11:30am
Grab & Go for the elderly, Optional Delivery for those who do not drive in Coventry and West Warwick.
Jesus Savior Conference
Location: United Baptist Church, 30 Spring Street Newport RI 02840
Time: Bi-Monthly for 2-3 hours. Bagged Lunches .
St. Francis of Assisi Conference
Location: Peacedale Congregation, 261 Columbia St, Peace Dale, RI 02879
Time: Nothing is served on-site.
Elderly and Handicap, No hours just on “personal response to a request for food.”
St. Mary/St. James Conference
Location: Parish Center 2079 Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd., Charlestown, RI 02813
Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.